Thursday, January 1, 2009

Um-be-shrien and THE UNIT

Um-be-shrien - God forbid! It shouldn't happen!

We usher in the New Year with a tribute to my Mom, a Long Island suburban pioneer and an original in her own right. She loved to utter words that were somehow related to Yiddish but only in the abstract. This was one of her words. Her definition was different but the pronounciation was correct.
Pictured here is the Unit. This air conditioner blew like an arctic wind, was located in the dining room, and on summer weekends when we sometimes had dinner in the dining room, it was a challenge to lobby for a seat away from the wind tunnel. I was the youngest, and usually got the spot just left of the biggest fan, so I was always careful to pick foods that were heavy and could not be blown off my plate.The Unit cooled our house from the 60's through to the 80's until the folks put in central air conditioning and simply pushed the Unit out of the dining room window where it fell to the soggy ground and remained for years until it was lugged under the house and finally in 2005, unceremoniously dragged to the curb and somehow re-situated to some other far away place. This air conditioner kept the dining room frigid , the living room not so hot, the kitchen so -so and did nothing for the bedrooms, where my sister would try to sleep in the sweltering summer nights. She, sadly, was the only one without a back up mini unit. To this day, I am surprised the dog slept in her room, so that's a sign of real devotion.
It was family legend and I still remember the day Dad pushed it out of the dining room window, we heard the thud (hoped the squirrels were out of the way) watched him close the window and turn down the thermostat in a satisfied, 'that's that' kind of motion. Then on went the stereo, a cup of coffee was poured and we were ready for the next chapter.

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